IFEBPs “Collection Procedures Institute” Coming to Atlantic City
Posting by Larry Beebe, CPA
On September 15 and 16 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) will present the Collection Procedures Institute, filled with seminars, workshops and forums geared toward collections policies and procedures. Phil Vivirito and I will be conducting a class entitled “Efficient Payroll Auditing” which will outline payroll audit programs, range of audit services, controlling audit costs, the future of payroll audits, and more. Andy Staab, who also serves on this blog’s editorial board, will be presenting a seminar and conducting a workshop as well. We hope to gather a lot of payroll auditing stories that we can share with you on this site in the immediate future.
For more details about the Collection Procedures Institute, visit the IFEBP site.