Jobe Dupre’, CPA

Most of the time, rent paid for the use of business property is deductible. In fact, the tax code doesn’t even specifically state that rent paid must be “reasonable,” (a tax term applied to most deductions). However, transactions between “related parties” come under closer scrutiny by the IRS because of the potential for abuse. If rent paid to a related party is found to be “unreasonable,” the deduction will be reduced. In many such cases, the rent found to be excessive […]

Top Ten Fraud Prevention Tips for Small Businesses, Tip #8: Segregation of Duties

Lawrence R. Beebe, CPA

As a small business owner or senior executive, it is your responsibility to promote integrity and ethical values to your employees and implement the proper controls and procedures to prevent fraud.  In this series, we are highlighting ten basic fraud prevention steps you can take to keep your organization safe.

One of the most frequent causes of the misappropriation of assets in any business is the lack of segregation of duties.  No one individual should have custody […]

Size Does Matter When Auditing Reports Made by Using Employer Shortcuts

Posting by Ayisha Henderson

Two commonly performed shortcuts employers apply to remittances are truncating hours or reporting contributions capped weekly using a Gregorian calendar – and they may have a material effect on contributions.  Materiality, however, often depends on the size of the bargaining unit.  Consider the following examples:

An employer who truncates hours for a bargaining unit of 10 employees would be less material to an auditor than a bargaining unit of 1,000 employees.
Similarly, if an agreement stipulates […]


Jobe Dupre’, CPA

Generally, club dues are not tax deductible as a business expense.
This general non-deductible rule covers dues paid to country clubs, golf clubs, business luncheon clubs, athletic clubs, and even airline and hotel clubs. However, you can still deduct 50% of the cost of otherwise allowable business entertainment, even though the dues you pay are nondeductible. For example, if you have business dinner with a customer at your country club, 50% of the cost of the dinner is […]


Billy Thomas, CPA

District of Columbia:  Reports have shown that E-filing your return typically results in a quicker refund.  Now DC is allowing individual taxpayers the opportunity to track his or her refund online.  Follow the link to check your refund status: Refund Status Inquiry

Maryland:  The Comptroller of Maryland has announced a ‘Tax Free’ Weekend.  Well tax-free for those individuals and entities purchasing qualified energy efficient equipment.   Qualified energy efficient equipment includes equipment with the ‘energy star’ product seal (refrigerators, […]

Dumb Criminals Are No Match for Digital Forensics

Alex Helfand, ENCE, Computer Forensic Specialist

This has been a newsworthy week for computer forensics. Not only are high-profile individuals committing crimes on their computers, but they aren’t exactly being smart about it. Let’s start with the story about Christopher Lee, the New York congressman who decided to participate in some extracurricular activities at work.

Interestingly enough, this story did not involve any law enforcement, but still received huge press coverage . We’ve seen politicians having affairs in the past, but […]

Boy, How Quickly the News of Bad Service Travels…

Posting by Joel C. Susco, CPA, Principal

Remember the old adage about those having bad service experience tell ten people, and those having a good service experience maybe tell only one person?  Well into today’s digital age, just think of all the people you could gripe to if you had a bad experience – all with the click of a button.  This is even more reason for today’s businesses to make sure their customer service is at the top of […]


Brian Wynne, CPA

The Virginia Department of Taxation clarified on Friday that calendar-year corporate and passthrough entity tax returns are due Friday, April 15, 2011.  There was some confusion as the Federal and most states filing date was moved to Monday, April 18 this year, due to a holiday in Washington DC (Emancipation Day).  Virginia does not recognize this holiday as a legal holiday and therefore will not move it’s due date.

Market Recovery Programs

Posting by Ron Chandler

Since the work slow down over the last few years in the construction industry,  the building trades crafts have tried various programs to keep their workers busy and maintain or improve market share.  One program, of which there are many different variations on a theme, is the “Market Recovery Program,” for which there are special agreements.

Recently we have found several of these Market Recovery Agreements.  These agreements usually have reduced contribution rates for different types of […]


Brian Wynne, CPA

On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, the IRS announced another voluntary disclosure program giving taxpayers a second chance to report offshore assets.  The first program began in March of 2009 and allowed taxpayers six months to voluntarily disclose all offshore assets going back six years, offering the chance to avoid criminal prosecution and limiting penalties.  The penalties were 20% of the amount of foreign assets in the year with the highest value, plus all taxes, interest and a […]